Monday, April 28, 2014

You Only Live As Much As You Want To

I found a great comic somewhere about how we can live more than once. If you're to lazy to click the link and read the 15 panel comic, then I'll sum it up for you:

It's often said that mastering something takes about 7 years. If you live to be 88, after age 11 you have 11 opportunities to master something different. Each time you master one thing, that is one life. With each new thing mastered comes new experiences, new people, new sights, which is like living a different life each time. This means you aren't limited to just one life. You can live over and over and over again.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and I really like it. I don't want to do one thing for the rest of my life. I want to be one of those people you hear about who worked on fishing boats and drove trains and piloted planes and a whole list of other odd and interesting things.

My big problem with college is it kinda limits what you can do. No, it doesn't actually set any boundaries of the jobs you can work, but it does psychologically. You study in one field for quite a while, just so you can work in that field for even longer. You're basically convincing yourself that you will work in that field for the rest of your life. And I don't like that.

Now, I'm not saying it's bad to do one thing for 50 years. If you love your job and still want to work there; great. Do that. I'm just saying I don't want to do one thing forever. Even hobbies aren't enough to fill my wanderlust.

Top bottom note: If you haven't heard of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, you should definitely check it out. It's a hilarious webcomic that I quite enjoy.

Bottom bottom note: I don't know why I keep basically apologizing for what I say toward the end of my chasms. I really don't care if I offend you. Maybe I do care what you think, but I tell myself I don't. Hmmm. That's a puzzler.

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