I'm not sure what the big deal is about wheels. Everyone thinks they're the bee's knees. But I don't think they're so great. Yes, they get you places with less effort than walking, but that's only on flat land. Anything other than that, and wheels are basically a waste of time.
You don't ever hear people say "Yes! Now I can finally be in a wheelchair!" Why? Because wheelchairs are a burden. If you have to go uphill, it's so much work it's not even funny. And even a single step can make a building wheelchair inaccessible.
Animals don't have wheels for legs for a good reason. Nature is not wheelchair friendly. The ground is very rough, and often not hard enough for wheels to sit on; they sink in.
Legs are where it's at. (Yes, wings are really sweet, but you have to build your whole body around them. Birds often have the same shape, while mammals, reptiles, and amphibians come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes.) Legs can accommodate for almost all terrains. Mountains, deserts, forests, beaches, you name it. Legs can take you anywhere. Plus, each joint of a leg only has to move about 110 degrees, while a wheel has to move 360n degrees.
So I say screw wheels. I want to see cars walking around.
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